Ann had been married five years. Not long, but long enough for it all to have become a bit routine, especially as she suspected Trevor of having a little bit on the side. The worst of it was, her heart’s desire couldn’t be realised – she had been told she could never have children, and …
Annie – Frustrated First Steps Pt. 02
The ride home stayed with her for a couple of days. She scribbled down the story and submitted it to an online story portal, wondering what the reaction would be. She knew it was so very very tame compared to some of the stories she was reading on there…but it was another first step to …
After Getting Home
I just stood there, still shocked that Rob had already checked his email and that little shit Shawn had really sent him pictures of me at work! Rob smirked at me. At my silence and the blushing that I was doing…. “Didn’t you wear pantyhose today Beth?” “Um, yes.” “You did? Where are they then?” …
A New Cuckold
My first ‘experience’ with a hotwife situation occurred with my now ex-wife. We had been married for 5 or 6 years and were getting into the marriage sexual doldrums. We had talked off and on about having some extracurricular fun to spice things up in our sex lives and as we talked it kind of …
A Show With A Difference
Barbados, being an island in the Caribbean, is known for its varied musical and cultural festivals and it is at one of these many events that I met the person whom this story is about. The show had been hyped as ‘an event not to be missed’ and the massive crowds of people that turned …
A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 15
This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don’t waste your …
Adventures of Alice and Alex Pt. 01
These are some of my sexual adventures with Alice in the late 1970s, beginning when we had just moved into a new shared rental with a few friends, after already living together for about 18 months. Up to this point our sex life had been active- but irregular; as a nurse Alice worked shifts and …
A Night in the Town Ch. 02
When we finish the food, I hand you the egg, and tell you to go ahead and put it in now. As if she was waiting just for this, the waitress returns just as you are pulling your skirt up. She drops her pen this time, and again gets down on the floor, and watches …
A Secret Revealed Pt. 03
My ex wife and I lay in our respective beds, each wiped out from masturbating. Beth, alone in her room, spent a little too long primping for her affair with a yoga instructor, feeling the immediate urge to pleasure herself. I, alone in my room, watching Beth secretly on my television thanks to a forgotten …
A New Life Pt. 01
I really believed I had an almost perfect life: a happy marriage, two great daughters, and enough money that I didn’t have to work, but could devote my life to guiding them to adulthood. However, as soon as my younger daughter left for a great job the other side of the country, and my elder …